Why managers are so critical at this time

- Author: Greg Stewart
Now more than ever, managers possess the power to be the tie that binds their teams to each other, their organization’s purpose and their work’s impact.
We’ve helped a lot of organizations throughout the years create impactful employee communications and wanted to share some best practices we’ve seen that empower managers and better connect their team members to each other and the organization.
Engage managers in the cascade
Frequent and clear communication from organization leaders is critical. This includes All Hands meetings to relay important procedures, company status and priorities updates, with detailed follow up emails and videos. But organizations can’t stop there. Managers are key to reinforcing this flow of communication amongst their team. Arm managers with toolkits of information, decks/one-sheeters to share in a variety of settings and conversations to ensure consistent information is communicated with further unpacked details, to get ahead of employee questions and concerns. Clearly communicate the essential role managers play in the ongoing communication flow and coach them to help employees seek more answers from above.
Connect through empathy
As we all social distance, we need to stay closer with one another. Therefore, managers should schedule frequent check-ins – more than usual. Encourage managers to be flexible and understanding as we are all in unique circumstances. Team members are home with kids, others are sharing spaces with roommates, providing eldercare, a sick family member in isolation, the list goes on. The more patient and empathetic the manager, the more trust they can build within teams and confidently they move forward.
Remember the big picture
If your 2020 priorities have been flipped upside-down in the past few weeks, lean even harder on your organization’s purpose to be your north star in this challenging time. Partner with managers to remind teams of your company’s purpose and the impact their work has on the world we share.
The above practices are necessary in ‘normal’ times and critically necessary, in this not-so-normal time. Keep your communication consistent, frequent and empathetic, and partner with managers to amplify communications and build team connections.