

TD Bank

Fostering a culture
of inclusivity and support

MarCom Platinum Winner
Spread of guide

TD Bank’s focus on their people is inspiring — they’re dedicated to fostering a culture of inclusivity and support for all employees. So much so that they came to us to create an etiquette guide for embracing and supporting Individuals with Diverse Abilities (IwDA).

We highlighted true human experiences of TD employees, while focusing the content on TD Bank’s diversity and inclusion best practices and practical ideas for supportive team environments.

Cover of IWDA Guide
Excerpt of IWDA Guide

By utilizing quotes from and photography of real TD Bank employees as the foundation of the guide, we demonstrated how TD leads by living their mission, every day. A library of tips and suggestions made living that mission even easier.

A guidebook for all

Americans with Disabilities Act

In order to make the document itself inclusive of the IwDA audience, we designed the guide in compliance with ADA, meeting WCAG 2.0 level AA standards

Next stop: Canada

The IwDA Etiquette Guide was so well received by TD Bank’s U.S. HR team, that it was repurposed, translated and distributed to their Canadian offices—bringing inclusivity to everyone.