


Promoting employee
focus around annual
priorities and initiatives

As a big-data powerhouse Splunk entered the new fiscal year, they launched a set of strategic priorities to guide their work. It was called Vision 2020, our task was to turn that theme into a branded employee-kickoff event that would energize live attendees and a global network of offices—4,500 employees in total!

We took Splunk’s quirky, irreverent brand tone to a new level by transforming Vision 2020 into a conference identity marked by classic horned-rimmed glasses, a popular geek-culture motif.

Splunk Vision 2020 Logo

Utilizing this bold and smile-inducing look, we branded the event with a video animation, posters and banners that brought Vision 2020 to the forefront with an integrated suite of tactics.

We also supported Splunk leadership in creating impactful, narrative presentations. Providing content and design support, we turned goals and metrics into powerful stories.

To enhance employee engagement and awareness, we designed and deployed a branded Snapchat geo-filter for the event that was sent 134 times and viewed 5,133 times.

Splunk Vision 2020 Snapchat filter
Entrance view to Vision 2020 event

In one day, we brought focus and energy to a year-long corporate initiative. And smiles, lots of those, too.