


Helping remote-first employees stay informed and engaged.

As a newly virtual-first organization, Thumbtack faced a critical (and increasingly common) challenge: How do we ensure equal communication and cultivate connection across a largely remote workforce?

They knew a tool would be needed to serve as a “virtual headquarters” for their 850+ US and internationally based employees. And they knew Ingenuity was the partner to help identify and implement it.

We began by engaging Thumbtackers to learn how they were using their current intranet. They weren’t.

Outdated content, information overload and confusing navigation had led most to abandon the tool. For company news and resources, they referenced over a dozen other programs (and people).

The need for a simpler “single source of truth” was clear.


Five avatars representing Intranet users, including executive assistant, general employee, busy manager, new hire, and team account lead.

We audited best-in-class intranet platforms to determine which would solve for Thumbtack’s current challenges, integrate with existing tools and provide analytics.

And we conducted a persona-based workshop with employees to think through the diverse user journeys the ideal solution would need to support.

Upon delivering our comprehensive findings, platform recommendations and a preliminary site map, Thumbtack selected a solution. And TackHub was born.

In designing the brand identity, our goal was to uniquely bring TackHub’s purpose (and tagline) to life. Employees now have a home for all things Thumbtack—from HR resources and the Employee Handbook to team communications and document-sharing. It’s all organized, intuitive and searchable. And with governance guidelines, plus handy templates, it’s easy for content owners to make updates.

Illustration of an Employee Handbook cover.
TackHub Landing page

Plus, features like employee profiles and spotlight stories help Thumbtackers get to know one another across teams (and miles) and engage in the community. Weekly posts provide companywide communication and reinforce a culture of connection.

gif of woman throwing a basketball into a hoop, titled "It's march madness time."

Our rollout strategy included a phased plan for populating content, a Governance Playbook to guide ongoing oversight, and a communications campaign called Take 5 to educate employees on the tool.

To evaluate TackHub’s initial success and optimize accordingly, we’re deploying employee surveys and scheduling stakeholder interviews.

Slack graphic highlighting a TackHub feature.